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"Elegy for Chadwick Boseman" This Is the Honey: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Poets (Print)


"Work Is" What Things Cost: An Anthology for the People (Print)


"Interlude (When I place a ring on my finger)" South Carolina Review (Print)


"flail (n.,v.)" Poetry Northwest (Print)



"My S. Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit Instructor Notices That My Driver’s License Mistakenly Indicates I Am Not a Black Male" & "Black Child’s Fifth Grade Homework"

About Place Journal


"Simone Biles: GOAT Therapy" Callaloo


"Spaceships on Bankhead Revisited" Aunt Chloe


"Yes I Am / No, I Haint" Poetry Northwest 




"Hypotenuse" *Palette Poetry Prize, 3rd place* Palette Poetry


"Psychology for Black Folk" Jasper Writes Series


Four Poems Statorec


"Birdie" Twelve Mile Review (print)


"Elegy for Chadwick Boseman" Rogue Agent 




Three Poems Platform Review


Two Poems Aunt Chloe: A Journal of Artful Candor


Three Poems Cola Literary Review (formerlyYemassee Journal)


"Snap Beans" African American Review




"The Emancipation of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben" Cosmonauts Avenue


Five Poems Queen Mob's Tea House


"Something about a Black Boy" *Pushcart Prize Nominee* Border Crossing


"Frozone's Bride" Ninth Letter


"Mural Me" Stonecoast Review (Print)


"Battle Hymn for the Soul" Callaloo Journal 




Two Poems South Florida Poetry Journal


"Portrait of George Stinney, Jr., as Police Report and Trial" 

*Gigantic Sequins Summer Contest Finalist*

Gigantic Sequins (Print)


"The Black Body Is a Wind Chime" Thrush Poetry Journal 


"Middle Passage" Verse Daily


"When I Fly Too Close to the Sun I Don't Smell Melting Wax" The Good Men Project




"Battle Royal" Pennsylvania English (Print) 


"Plan B" (w/ audio) The Baltimore Review


"A Blind Man Gives You [In]Sight" SYZYGY, The Solar Eclipse Poetry Invitational (Print)


"The Things You Should Hear" Fall Lines Vol. IV (Print)




"I'm Human, Too" (w/ audio) HEArt Online Journal (defunct)


"You've Heard This Before" The Good Men Project


Two Poems The James Franco Review 


Two Poems Public Pool (defunct)


Four Poems (w/ Interview) Connotation Press



"Google search for black lives matter" Winter Tangerine Review 


"I Hate My Own Breath" & "Skinny Boy" Pittsburgh Poetry Review (Print)


Three Poems Drunk in a Midnight Choir


"Feel the Vibration: Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch"

*Best of the Net Nominee* Yellow Chair Review


"I Write My Body Eclectic" (w/ Audio) [PANK] Magazine


"Praise Song for the Waters" *Mississippi Review Poetry Prize Finalist*

Mississippi Review 


"Down South" Charleston Currents


"Briefcase of Little Tortures" & "Separation" Up the Staircase Quarterly




"Threes" & Excerpt from "Page from the Coward's Playbook" Jasper Magazine


"Deep Sea" *Pushcart Prize Nominee* & "Uncle J's Blues" 

The Petigru Review (Print)


"Traffic Stop" & "Sounds of the Police" pluck! Black Poets Speak Out Issue


"Homeless Ex-con at Columbia Midlands Regional Transit Authority"

Jasper Magazine


"Dead to You" *Best of the Net Nominee* Diverse Voices Quarterly (defunct)


"Mosquito Music" Control Literary Magazine


"Smashing Bottles" *Berfrois Poetry Prize Finalist* Berfrois Magazine




"Burn" & "Sunday Night Revival" Pamplemousse Magazine (Print)


"Summer Night Revival" The Southern Tablet


"This Life Ain't Fit for Nobody" The Southern Tablet 




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